Polish Prejudice Survey
In 2009, the team of the Center for Research on Prejudice at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Warsaw launched a periodic study: the Polish Prejudice Survey. The main aim of these studies is to diagnose the attitudes of Polish society towards broadly understood out-groups, i.e. groups to which you do not belong yourself. The research is carried out every four years using the direct interview method on representative random (based on PESEL registry) samples. This method allows the diagnosis of the attitudes of Polish society at a given point in time and the comparison of the results between the studies.
Each survey consists of a basic module of questions, repeated in each study concerning attitudes toward out-groups and general worldview. Additionally, the survey consists of modules devoted to the theme of each poll, as well as questions on current social issues.
2009 (PI: Michał Bilewicz)
In the first edition, we focused in particular on the attitudes of Poles towards national and ethnic minorities, the content of ethnic stereotypes in Poland, as well as dehumanization of ethnic minorities. This was the first study testing the three-dimensional model of anti-Semitism and assessing the levels of anti-Semitic prejudice in Poland. The survey was supported by the Rothschild Fundation Europe.
2012 (PI: Michał Bilewicz)
The main inspiration for the second edition was the internal divisions of Polish society, not only resulting from prejudices against minorities, but above all those resulting from political and economic divisions as well as those resulting from sexual orientation and gender identity. The second key component of the study looked at linguistic aspects of discrimination. This survey was supported by Polish Foundation for Science (FNP) Focus grant.
2017 (PI: Mikołaj Winiewski)
In the third edition of the survey, we focused on the growing problem of bias motivated violence in Poland. Constructing the Polish Prejudice Survey 2017 questionnaire, we asked a number of new questions, focusing in particular on the psychological mechanisms underlying intergroup violence. This survey was supported by the National Science Center (NCN) grant.
Central-European Social Survey
Many of the socio-political, cultural, economic and psychological processes are specific to the region of Central and Eastern Europe. The region, once highly ethnically diverse, is today one of the most homogeneous in Europe. Many countries face similar challenges: populism, increasing social inequalities, low trust, conflicts over collective memory, historical trauma, and complicated relations with neighbors. So far, there has been no dedicated comparative research that would allow to capture the specificity of the region by comparing individual countries with each other. The proposed survey will therefore be a unique undertaking that will allow a better understanding of the region.
The aim of the Central European Social Survey is to create a unique data collection on the societies of Central and Eastern Europe and the most important social processes taking place in the region. The data will be the result of surveys conducted in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Austria). The survey focuses on current social challenges (migration, historical trauma, political radicalization, changes in thinking about democracy, intergroup relations, forms of national identities, collective memory, pro-health behavior in epidemic conditions) and is a unique source of knowledge for researchers from many university disciplines. The survey is created in a participatory form, including modules selected through a competition from among the proposals submitted by teams from various units of the University of Warsaw. The project will also enable the creation of a repository of data collected as part of the survey, based on the unique Social Data Archive existing at the University of Warsaw.